返信先: RodneyVef


bend tube
U bend tube applications
In various bends, various bends are inevitably used, such as marine pipelines, automobile oil pipes and other pipelines. Compared with other types of elbows, the arc elbow has many advantages. First, all kinds of materials flow smoothly at the arc elbow, and the impact force on the pipe wall is small and uniform; secondly, the arc elbow itself has less stress concentration. Strong and high impact resistance;
With the rise of modern steel furniture, office chairs, beach chairs, luggage carts, shopping carts, children’s trolleys, cribs, computer tables, etc., several metal tubes form several bright lines, which are practical, convenient, safe and reliable ;
Air conditioning refrigeration pipes mainly include elbows, small U-shaped pipes, return elbows, etc.;
The bathroom industry now has more and more bends, faucets, towel racks and S-shaped accessories.
Motorcycles, automobiles, electric vehicles, bicycles and other vehicles, handlebars, bumpers, frames, etc.;
Fitness equipment, lighting, construction machinery and other industries.

